The rate of return achieved by the Fund in the past periods does not guarantee the rate of return of the Fund in the future periods
- NAV 29.8926
- Investor buys 29.8926
- Investor sells 29.8926
Download Unit C (EUR) historical prices as CSV
Last update: 11.10.2024
Graph is generated from Unit C (EUR) data.
- 1 day 0.16%
- YTD 11.53%
- 1 month 1.50%
- 3 months -1.93%
- 6 months 3.39%
- 1 year 22.91%
- 3 years 43.23%
- 5 years -
- 7 years -
- 10 years -
- Since launch 92.54%
eQ unit (EUR) (TRINESQ ET)
- NAV 15.1222
- Investor buys 15.1222
- Investor sells 15.1222
Download eQ unit (EUR) historical prices as CSV
Last update: 11.10.2024
Graph is generated from eQ unit (EUR) data.
- 1 day 0.15%
- YTD 12.34%
- 1 month 1.33%
- 3 months -2.41%
- 6 months 3.19%
- 1 year 25.22%
- 3 years 46.98%
- 5 years -
- 7 years -
- 10 years -
- Since launch 101.40%
- NAV 15.0653
- Investor buys 15.0653
- Investor sells 15.0653
Download Unit D (EUR) historical prices as CSV
Last update: 11.10.2024
Graph is generated from Unit D (EUR) data.
- 1 day 0.16%
- YTD 11.53%
- 1 month 1.50%
- 3 months -1.93%
- 6 months 3.39%
- 1 year 13.91%
- 3 years 14.07%
- 5 years -
- 7 years -
- 10 years -
- Since launch 50.65%
Returns may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations